Take it to commercialization
AMMOSORB COOP CLEAN is a solution developed for chicken farms that need to reduce the ammonia concentration on their sheds. With the use of AMMOSORB COOP CLEAN the farmer will achieve better health for the chickens and less money spent in antibiotics and other medicines; better and faster development with high quality chicken without typical ammonia burns on the breast, feet or wings, and higher food/weight conversion; and better work conditions for the workers working on the sheds.
Pilot scale and small industrial trials with AMMOSORB COOP CLEAN showed that ammonia concentration can be reduced up to 75% and that by the 7th week chicken beded with AMMOSORB COOP CLEAN used on their sheds can have a weight 4-7% higher than others, and higher quality meat without burns on the cheast and feet. Future steps involved large scale trials in 4 countries for statistical validation of the original assumptions. In begginig of 2024 we are ready to take the market, if production conditions allow it.
The road so far...
Proves that AMMOSORB COOP CLEAN can provide high added value for the chicken farmers.
Pilot trials carried at a Peruvian Zootechnical university showed that the levels of ammonia were significantly reduced and that the chicken weight, for the same period, was up to 7% higher when used AMMOSORB COOP CLEAN
The blue line indicates de ammonia levels on the chicken shed when using AMMOSORB COOP CLEAN. After the initial development, where the levels are low, after the 15 days it is notorious that AMMOSORB COOP CLEAN helps in reducing the ammonia levels using a small concentration.

Chickens that made their development in sheds using AMMOSORB COOP CLEAN had in average 4 to 7% higher in weight after the 42 days. Also, less breast and feet burns that will classify the meat in a higher grade.

Following the good developments at a pilot scale level, an initial industrial scale trial was done. At the 7th week the individuals that grew with AMMOSORB COOP CLEAN have an additional 0,194 Kgs in meat with a better food/weight conversion. Levels of ammonia during the 7 weeks were significantly lower.

Chickens that made their development in sheds using AMMOSORB COOP CLEAN end up on the 7th week with additional 0,194 kgs using the same food quantity as in the other shed.
The blue line indicates de ammonia levels on the chicken shed when using AMMOSORB COOP CLEAN. At the highest level, the use of AMMOSORB COOP CLEAN was able to reduce the ammonia content in 75%.

Industrial scale testing will be conducted in 4 countries (Peru, México, Brazil and USA), using medium size companies and supervised by veterinary or zootechnician consultants
1 campaign (7 weeks)
12 sheds will be used in a spatial distribution that reduces the statistical noise for the analysis:
- 4 without any adsorbent (only current technology – most probably wood chips)
- 4 with NBA on the market or non activated or non granulated clay
KPI´s to be evaluated
- Ammonia levels
- Weight of the chicken
- Visual aspect of the feet and the breast (signs of ammonia burns)
- Money spent with antibiotics or additional medicines
- Temperature inside the shed
- Humidity
- Ventilation
- Bacteria amount
Ammonia, humidity and temperature measurement devices – TBD
Veterinary or zoo technician professional as consultant to evaluate KPIs and help translating the benefits into VP – TBD